How it works
  • The 7 Day Free Trial lets you try our products before buying.
  • When you place your order, a temporary hold will be placed on your card (which may appear as “pending” or “processing”) to validate your payment method. We only complete the charge when the trial ends 7 days later.
  • If you find the product isn't for you, email us at we'll remove the hold immediately.
  • All customers are also entitled to our 30 day satisfaction guarantee.
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Low-Waste Living

Low-waste living is the easiest way we humans can help our beautiful earth! And at The Earthling Co., you'll find everything you need to start out on the right carbon-reduced foot! Free yourself of single-use plastics and browse our collection of low-waste products.

From creating earthling-friendly kitchens and eating habits, eliminating food waste and plastic utensils, to maintaining a healthier self-care routine through plant-based body care and hair care, we carry everything from kitchen to bathroom products. Discover reusable products made from organic and renewable resources, such as bamboo toothbrushes, combs and utensils, as well as cotton storage bags. Plus, all of our products are manufactured right here in the USA, minimizing the carbon footprint of each item. The Earthling Co. is also part of a contribution program, donating one percent of our sales through 1% for the Planet.