How it works
  • The 7 Day Free Trial lets you try our products before buying.
  • When you place your order, a temporary hold will be placed on your card (which may appear as “pending” or “processing”) to validate your payment method. We only complete the charge when the trial ends 7 days later.
  • If you find the product isn't for you, email us at we'll remove the hold immediately.
  • All customers are also entitled to our 30 day satisfaction guarantee.
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Hair & Body Oil

Hair and Body Oil

Elevate your skin and hair care routine with our multi-functional hair and body oil. This single product can relieve dry skin and give new life to your hair. At The Earthling Co., we encourage you to explore how our hair and body oil can do everything from smoothing flyaways to moisturizing dry areas.

Refining the Hair and Scalp

You can use our hair and body oil as an intense scalp treatment before shampooing. Alternatively, you can lock in moisture by applying it to damp or dry hair. A few drops will calm any flyaway locks and tame those frizzy curls.

Working Oil Into Your Nail Care Regimen

Fight off those dry nail beds and frustrating hangnails with our hair and body oil. Rub the oil into your cuticles, and put on gloves to enhance the absorption process. The results are glowing and hydrated nails ready to be trimmed and polished.

Enhance Your Lotion

Give your lotion or cream some boost by mixing a few drops of our hair and body oil. You may use this enhanced lotion to hydrate your skin, including your hands, feet and body.

Surprising Uses for Everyday Pampering

You can even use The Earthling Co.’s hair and body oil to remove makeup. Simply wash your face after applying the oil. You can also use this oil for massages. It hydrates dry skin while giving you a smooth surface to rub and knead. 

Hair-and-Body Oil Pumps Up Your Beauty Routine

The Earthling Co. offers a luxurious line of natural skin and hair care products. With all of these uses and more, you’ll easily become a fan of our hair and body oil.