How it works
  • The 7 Day Free Trial lets you try our products before buying.
  • When you place your order, a temporary hold will be placed on your card (which may appear as “pending” or “processing”) to validate your payment method. We only complete the charge when the trial ends 7 days later.
  • If you find the product isn't for you, email us at we'll remove the hold immediately.
  • All customers are also entitled to our 30 day satisfaction guarantee.
You can only try 3 products at the same time
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Wholesale Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

  • We do not accept wholesale orders directly; however, you can shop with us wholesale at with Shopify's Handshake or through Faire.
  • Orders are non-returnable unless a quality issue is reported within 14 days upon receipt.
  • We do not sell to online-only retailers. If you are an in-person retailer that also sells online, you will be expected to maintain MSRP pricing that matches ours (or is higher). 
  • Prices are subject to change without notice.