Partner Spotlight: Who is Global Greengrants Fund? - The Earthling Co.

Partner Spotlight: Who is Global Greengrants Fund?

September 14, 2021 4 min read

Partner Spotlight: Who is Global Greengrants Fund?

Are you passionate about social justice, climate change, and environmental degradation? Do you love learning about and supporting nonprofits that empower communities on the front lines and help protect their ways of life and our planet? If so, keep reading because we are introducing one of our 1% For the Planet partners, Global Greengrants Fund!


Who is Global Greengrants Fund and why does their work matter? 

Environmental degradation and climate change are among the most urgent issues the world faces, and as the environment erodes, human rights violations grow. The impacts of climate change, pollution, and unsustainable development are threatening food security, displacing communities, and exacerbating poverty and existing inequalities. Global Greengrants Fund believes that solutions to environmental harm and social injustice come from the people whose lives are most impacted. 

Since 1993, Global Greengrants Fund has mobilized resources for communities worldwide to protect our shared planet and work towards a more equitable world. Together with their diverse community of people on the frontlines and their supporters, they have impacted the lives of millions of people.


How do they do it?

Global Greengrants Fund is different from other international organizations in that they don’t try to dictate an agenda from afar. Instead, they trust local people to advance solutions and strategies that will best fit their needs, providing them with the resources to make their ideas a reality.

To get money into the hands of people with the most effective solutions, Global Greengrants designed a grantmaking model that allows them to find and invest in ideas without bureaucracy or red tape. They offer a 27-year track record of successful funding decisions made by their trusted network of dedicated volunteer experts, who act as the eyes and ears on the ground. These volunteers deliver knowledge of context and first-hand expertise, connecting the resources to local solutions that promote environmental justice. As a result, they are able to work in some of the most remote corners of the world, with groups and individuals who lack access to money through other means. For at least 40 percent of their grantees, Global Greengrants Fund is their very first funder. This model is the heart and soul of Global Greengrants Fund.


Why did we choose to partner with Global Greengrants Fund? 

At The Earthling Co., our work is focused on changing the way our daily products are made and consumed. This is our way of fighting the plastic industry - by shifting our wasteful, plastic ridden, throw-away society and advocating for more accessible plastic-free products for all Earthlings. 

While we believe that what we do is important for our world’s consumption habits, we know it’s not the only thing we can be doing to help fight the climate crisis and stand up for our planet and the Earthlings who are most impacted.

As a for-profit business that cares deeply about the environment, we believe it’s crucial to elect a well-rounded approach in our fight for a more harmonious world by providing resources to grassroots organizations who help protect our planet for generations to come. We chose to partner with Global Greengrants Fund to help support and mobilize local communities who are on the frontlines creating solutions for systemic climate, environmental, and social justice issues. When searching for partners, we fell in love with Global Greengrants Fund’s passionate network and their ability to get funding into the hands of those who can make the biggest impact. We are beyond grateful for their partnership and are excited to continue to make lasting and impactful change with them. 

How can you get involved?

Do you want to support Global Greengrants Fund but do not know where to begin? Here are some simple but powerful ways to support their amazing work: 

1. Donate
As their organization is centered around providing funding to advance solutions to social injustice and environmental harm, monetary donations are essential and always welcome! Donations of all sizes are greatly appreciated and you can sleep well knowing that you are not only taking action for the climate, but that you are empowering and supporting communities all around the world that are fighting to protect our planet and for a more equitable world.  

2. Interact with them on social media 
Another wonderful way to support Global Greengrants Fund is by following and interacting with their many social media platforms. From Instagram, to Facebook, to Twitter, to their blog, there are so many ways you can learn more about and uplift the mission of this beautiful organization. 

3. Sign-up for their newsletter
Want to get one to two emails a month with news from Global Greengrants Fund grantees, links to blogs they’ve posted on their website, or key updates from the organization? If so, you can sign up for their email list here and stay up to date on everything their organization is doing! 

4. Share their story & mission with others  
Elevating Global Greengrants Fund’s mission and story is a great way to support the organization. Sharing the things you have learned through your own research, as well as through their social media posts, blog, and newsletter, will help raise awareness around their tireless efforts. It could also lead to more donations, followers, and world-wide volunteers! So, share their activism however you like, through word of mouth, blog posts, social media posts, etc. and let’s not only boost them up but help set a new standard for funding and environmental and social justice solutions! 

Now that you have learned all about our incredible partner, get out there and support Global Greengrants Fund, and stay tuned for more partnership collaborations and ways to get involved in the future!