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At The Earthling Co, we care deeply about removing plastic in everything from our product packaging down to our shipping materials. Many brands miss the mark when it comes to packaging and choose materials that cannot be recycled or composted. Read on to learn more about our packing materials and how to dispose of your package once you’ve received your order!
Your order will arrive in a box or mailer made from 100% recycled materials as compared to plastic mailers that usually cannot be recycled. Our packing tape isn’t just any regular tape. This tape is paper based with a water-activated corn starch adhesive and water-based ink. By choosing mostly paper based materials that are better for the planet, we’re setting a standard for plastic free packaging.
There are a few ways to dispose of your order’s packaging. Since the mailers and boxes are paper-based, they can be recycled or composted. The paper tape can be recycled in the majority of facilities, however we encourage you to reach out to your local recycling facility and see what their equipment is capable of.
You can also reuse and repurpose the shipping boxes to serve as storage, moving boxes, or use it again for shipping purposes.
For a package to go from our warehouse in Springfield, MO to your doorstep requires transportation, which puts greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
We are a Climate Neutral Certified business, which means that every year we measure and offset all of the emissions our business generates, including outbound shipments to our customers. While offsetting our emissions isn't a perfect solution, it's a great way for us to stay accountable towards what we do generate and take the action we can in making our business sustainable for the future.
While our products help our customers live a more eco-conscious lifestyle, it is so important that we keep our brand values in mind in everything we do. We’re excited for you to receive an order from us and to hear your feedback! If you’d like to share the Earthling love, tag us on social media @theearthlingco!