How it works
  • The 7 Day Free Trial lets you try our products before buying.
  • When you place your order, a temporary hold will be placed on your card (which may appear as “pending” or “processing”) to validate your payment method. We only complete the charge when the trial ends 7 days later.
  • If you find the product isn't for you, email us at we'll remove the hold immediately.
  • All customers are also entitled to our 30 day satisfaction guarantee.
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Low-Waste Vegan Products

Made in USA 🇺🇸

The Earthling Co. offers gentle and plastic-free vegan products, keeping our earth-sharing animal friends protected and safe from harm. Rest easy knowing all of our vegan products are created and formulated without any animal products or byproducts! Our products are even kind to the bees, free of beeswax and honey. Indulge in a solid self-care routine through vegan hair products and body care that cleanses, moisturizes and maintains your beauty consciously. Or carry through your vegan lifestyle in the entire kitchen, using vegan dish soaps.

Designed with 100 percent compostable and recyclable packaging and materials, The Earthling Co. makes it easy to live an eco-conscious lifestyle. Share the earth kindly with our animal friends and try our plastic-free vegan products!