The Earthling Co.’s 2022 Impact Wrapped: Our Biggest Wins for People & the Planet

The Earthling Co.’s 2022 Impact Wrapped: Our Biggest Wins for People & the Planet

December 04, 2022 3 min read

The Earthling Co.’s 2022 Impact Wrapped: Our Biggest Wins for People & the Planet

Every year, we’re dedicated to furthering our mission of simplifying eco-conscious living. Of course, we couldn’t do any of this without you!

The Earthling Co. was built on the belief that collectively, all of us have the power to create a more sustainable and harmonious world. With your help, we’ve accomplished so much this year. Here’s a little snapshot of how you’ve helped us make a difference for the planet in 2022.

Plastic Diverted in 2022

Did you know the average person uses 15 plastic shampoo and conditioner bottles a year? On top of that, only 9% of plastic ever created has actually been recycled. The rest of that plastic is sitting in our landfills and littering our oceans.

But we have good news! This year, we prevented more than 735,000 plastic bottles from being manufactured and disposed of in our landfills and oceans. We also diverted over 20,000 aerosol cans with our dry shampoo. And that’s just this year. Since we started in 2020, we have diverted over 1.5M plastic bottles!

Water Saved By Switching to Shampoo Bars

Water Saved in 2022

Have you ever noticed that the first ingredient in most shampoo and conditioners is water? That’s because 70-90% of traditional liquid shampoos is water. Conditioner is even higher, at up to 95%. But you won’t find water in our list of ingredients as our bars are nutrient-dense and packed with plant-power! Because of this, we were able to save over 64,000 gallons of water this year. 

Carbon Emissions Offset in 2022

By now, it is no secret that business operations have a large impact on the health of our planet. In fact, it has been reported that over 70% of emissions come from about 100 companies. As a small, low-waste, Earthling-friendly business, our carbon footprint may not compare to those of larger corporations, but we still feel compelled to take responsibility for our impact and are always looking for ways to reduce it.

The Earthling Co. is proud to be a Climate Neutral Certified business – this means that we measure ALL of the carbon we emit through every single business activity and operation, offset those emissions, and have a plan in place for reducing future emissions.

This year, we offset 1.6 million pounds of carbon emissions.

Global Greengrants Fund

Photo by Joel Lukhovi

Donations Made in 2022

We donated over $70,000 to causes close to our mission. And we are just getting started. We will also donate to Global Greengrants Fund before the end of this year. Know of any other organizations or groups that could use our help? Send us an email at

2022’s Hottest Drops

Who doesn’t love a plastic-free sustainable swap? This year we launched a new aerosol-free dry shampoo, plastic-free lip balm, and lemon poppyseed body wash bar to help you transform your routine into something you can truly feel good about. We created these products with you and our planet in mind, and we love seeing how you add them to your daily routine. Thanks for choosing us to be part of your sustainable journey. 

So before we jump into 2023, we want to say thank you for making this year our most impactful one yet. We can’t wait to see the positive differences we are able to make together next year.

Keep an eye out for our 2023 launches, we have a feeling you’re going to really enjoy what our product team’s been up to.

Continue Your Impact!